Have you filed your tax returns every year, but not paid all the tax you owe? Maybe you just didn’t have enough money at the time and planned to pay more later. Unfortunately, the penalties and interest that are added to back taxes greatly increase how much you will ultimately owe the government. If you are delinquent on your taxes and haven’t yet heard from the IRS, you soon will. The IRS may place a lien on your property or a levy on your bank accounts or wages. The potential damage from unpaid back taxes can be financially ruinous, but it is often avoidable. We can help you assess your tax debt options and negotiate a workable payment plan with the IRS. Unpaid back taxes is a problem that rarely goes away on its own. Contact us today and resolve your tax liability issues.
Falling out of compliance with IRS payroll regulations can destroy your business. Not only that, it can ruin your personal finances. Perhaps you’ve gotten behind on payroll taxes through an oversight or a temporary lack of funds.